Healthy communities are vibrant and connected. They support healthy choices and enhance learning, growth and development. Economic benefits include less school and workplace absenteeism, more innovation, and less use of the health care system. A healthy vibrant community is designed to promote:
- Safe routes for active transportation to work, school, shopping, social activities and home
- Access to parks and other amenities
- Opportunities for recreation
- Access to jobs, services, and healthcare
- Opportunities for positive social interaction
- Spaces that encourage mental well-being
- Access to outdoor spaces for all ages and abilities for play and transportation
- Access to healthy food
- Opportunities for aging in place
- Opportunities to be physically active
- Clean air and water quality
Visit the Lanark, Leeds and Grenville District Health Unit's Municipal Staff and Partners webpage to learn more about Building a Healthy Community and to access a variety of resources.
Municipal Gold
Within Lanark, Leeds & Grenville there are 22 municipalities, some of which are quite urban, and some very rural, with a low per square kilometre population count. These municipalities have different assets and strengths, depending on their individual features. The expectation is that municipalities will do what makes sense for them and their residents, not that they will all offer a similar infrastructure or opportunities.
As the partners involved with the Healthy Communities Partnership got to know the municipalities better, they discovered how innovative and adaptable they are. Currently in our area we have policies which support:
Past Projects
Healthy Community Reports
In 2011-2015, a group of interested and dedicated partners came together to develop a Healthy Community Asset Inventory Tool (HCAIT) and an accompanying Healthy Community Resource Manual (HCRM).
Their hard work is celebrated in the reports below. These reports showcase what these municipalities have done to create a healthy community and make the “healthy choice the easy choice” for their residents.